



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!




  买棵圣诞树,再买一大堆漂亮的小星星、小糖棍、几只小铃铛、一只长长的stocking,将这棵圣诞树好好地装扮一翻,在Christmas Eve静静地等待圣诞老人的到来。我想,他一定会在你的stocking里塞满你最想得到的礼物。对了,如果你实在想早点儿见到慈祥的Santa Claus,就给他画张像挂在你的圣诞树上。没准儿他老人家一高兴,连他的deer也






May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness.



May peace and love be your gift at Christmas and always!



Wishing you the peace, joy and happiness of Christmas!




Merry Christmas!




The song of the angels,
The joy of that night,
May it shine round your hearthside,
And make your paths bright.
Happy New year!



Give deeply,
Give freely,
Think kindly,
act gently,
and be at peacewith the world…
This is the spirit of Christmas.


Christmas comes into our lives
like an old friend bringing back memories,
inspiring dreams,
making our world a warmer place.

For all the blessings you bring to others,
may you and your family be blessde at Christmas and always.

by Tayor CaMwell